Monday, November 14, 2011

The Great Plains and Praries

Although similar in landscape that both areas have large flat expanses. Also believe it or not a very common sight is seen often in both areas. Cyclic funnels of air, known as Tornados in the Great Plains, Long Island has tons of Waterspouts, I guess it is only a tornado when it is over land. I have seen tons of these in the waters growing up on Long Island, and it is a very cool thing, it rains down seaweed and fish over the land nearby which is freaky.  Here are some videos of waterspouts in the Long Island waters.

Another big thing in common between Long Island and the Great Plains and Prairies is the fact that they both have huge aquifers. The Ogalala aquifer irrigates so much of the land in the Great Plains. On Long Island there are 3 major aquifers, the Upper Glacial Aquifer, The Lloyd Aquifer and the Magothy Aquifer. Unlike the Ogalala which is "fossil" water a million years old, the aquifers of Long Island are only in the thousands of years old. The Department of Environmental Conservation of New York has some great information on these aquifers:

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