Sunday, November 27, 2011


Okay Long Island and Hawaii, well they are both Islands! They also both have surfing, although Hawaii has much better surf, but here is some great video clips of Long Island surfing, followed by some comparisons to Hawaii surfing, you will notice that the surf is from pre hurricane waves, that is on Long Island before a large storm or a huricane hits the waves are always much better, so that is prime surf time.

Hawaii Surf
This one is a 65 foot wave at Jaws surfed by Mike Parsons, makes the Long Island surfing look like it is done in a bathtub.

Okay surfing aside Long Island and Hawii are opposite in regards to land ownership and urbanizaiton. With Hawaii being mostly large plots of land and relativly few landowners, Long Island is made up of smaller plots of land and has millions of landowners. Long Island is very urban compared to Hawaii which is mostly rural.

Now another thing that the two places have in common are birds, and much like Hawaii, Long Island is home to some nearly extinct birds that need preservation. The Piping Plover is in danger with only 309 pairs of these birds on the Atlantic Coast, a major breeding area is Long Island. Just like with Hawaii human encroachment and all that goes with it caused a third of thier birds to go extinct, Long Island has the same problem, but to a lesser degree. Also plants like the Sanplain gerardia are endangered and might go extinct due to human encroachment and development. (

Now on a lighter note, I feel strongly that any talk about Hawaii would not be complete without the following tribute to Jack Lord and Tom Selleck:

All kidding aside, the introductions to each of these classic television shows highlight many features that Hawaii has to offer, take a closer look at the views from the helicopter in the Magnum video, and the tourist industry and urbanization is very apparent from Hawaii 5-O.

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